Thursday, March 02, 2006

R.I.P. Harry

Harry Browne, personal idol, and the man I credit for my ascension to libertarianism died yesterday at the age of 72. Harry wrote some great books that changed the way I view government and life in general. I really enjoyed How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World, but his masterpiece was The Great Libertarian Offer, which is the finest book on politics that I've ever read.

You can read Harry's wide array of articles on literally any political topic here. This is a great resource for any student by the way.

Also check out what Lew Rockwell had to say about Harry's passing. Harry and Lew go way back. Few people know it, but Lew was Harry's editor on his 1970 classic, How You Can Profit from the Coming Devaluation. Rest in Peace Harry.


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