Republican Slogans for 2008
"Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Kill, Kill, Kill. Vote Republican. We're the last best hope of earth."
"Sometimes liberty must be destroyed to protect liberty. Vote Republican. We're the Party of Lincoln."
"Get rich while faking a moral crusade. Vote Republican. We're the Party of Lincoln."
"Nuke Iran. That's what Lincoln would do. Vote Republican."
"Nuke Syria. That's what Lincoln would do. Vote Republican."
"Bush is our Lincoln. Vote Republican." (The first sentence was actually the title of a WorldNetDaily article by one of Jerry Falwell's Liberty University faculty members).
"Vote Republican and we'll bomb them Ay-Rabs into the stone age. With malice toward none and charity toward all, of course."
"Hey, don't blame us. The war came. Vote Republican, we're the Party of Lincoln."
My personal favorite:"Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Kill, Kill, Kill. Vote Republican. We're the right-to-life party."
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